So here it goes.
On January 1, 2012 Avery turned six months old! It seems like just yesterday I was looking at her and she was just a tiny newborn baby. Time is flying by.
Avery you bring so much joy into our lives. You laugh all the time. We barely have to do anything and you smile big and laugh.
Here is a little bit about our what our baby girl is up to:
- She has had two of her bottom teeth since she was four months old . One day you woke up and had teeth,we didn't even know you were teething.
- We have been using one size Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers since you were three months old. At night we put you in over night diapers because you were leaking so much.
- You sit up on your own now.
- You are in 6 to 9 month clothes in carters brand.
- Whenever you cry we sing Jesus Loves Me and you stop crying right away. Once we stop for a second you start crying again. I sang Jesus Loves Me to her while she was in my tummy, so I think this maybe why she likes it so much.
- You still take three naps a day. Usually your naps are around 10,2 and 5. You usually sleep at least an hour for your first two naps and then 45 mins for your last nap.
- You sit in the tub now! You were getting too big for the baby bath tub and you have been sitting so well.
- Every night after bath we sing and daddy and I pray with you. We still swaddle you at night. We put you down around 8 and you usually wake up around 12 and on a good night not until 4am.
- We started solids on December 1st. So far you have had bananas, pears,carrots, avocado, and prunes. You really like pears, bananas and prunes. Your six month check up is on the tenth, I can't wait to take you.
- So far the jumperoo hasn't been a huge hit. You really love sitting in your high chair and playing with your toys. You kick your legs and make all sort of cute babbles, goos and gaas.
Avery your daddy and I are so thankful for you! We couldn't imagine our life without you. We love you so much.