
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012

We dyed Eggs this year with our friends the Schaumann's. They have a little boy named Cohen who is 3 months old. We all haven't dyed eggs in years, so we got creative and ending up having alot of fun doing it.

Avery and Cohen
The only picture we took of dyeing eggs.
Avery in her Easter Dress

She got a bunny sippy cup  

and some Easter books. 
After church, we headed over to the Hammagren's house for Easter dinner. This is our third year spending Easter with the Hammagren's  and the Bartlett's.  Its so nice to spend a holiday here with great friends and not have to travel. The food was delicous. Avery got to eat some of it too. 
He is Risen!

 This past week Avery started CRAWLING! She has been scooting backwards for a couple weeks now,but now she is on the move. We have started to put a few things away this week because she is fast and want to get into everything!

Avery's First Swim

This week we took Avery swimming for the first time with her friend Abbey.We got to the pool and saw that Abbey and Avery had matching swim suits on. I guess Abby's mom and I have the same taste! Avery went under the water multiple times and seemed to not mind it. We had a fun night at the pool with them and then heading to some great Indian food in Corvallis.

Here are some pictures from the night!

 Hope you guys had a great week!

Friday, April 6, 2012

9 months old

Our little Avery is 9 months old! 
 I had to put the sticker on your back this month because you kept grabbing it off and wanting to put it in your mouth! Everything she picks up still goes straight to her mouth.

She has been one busy girl lately. Scooting backwards and standing holding onto things are two skills she has mastered! Children's place pajamas in size 12-18 is what you are wearing now and they seem to fit the best for you.  9 month clothes are getting a little tight.

You weigh 21 pounds and have 8 teeth.  Wear size four diaper. We love to listen to you babble. In the car is where you talk the most I think its because you love talking to yourself in the mirror. 

You love to be outside and go for walks.

Smiling girl, with her favorite giraffe after nap today. You always wake up so happy after your naps.  You are still taking 2 naps a day, some days three at least and hour and a half long. I love listening to you talk in your crib to your stuffed animals. Its the cutest thing. 

It seems like she is learning something new every day! We are so thankful for a happy and healthy baby girl. 
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