
Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Tile!

 This week my husband finished tiling the dining room and kitchen and I Loove how it turned out.
Here is my wonderful hubby working hard. He is quite the catch!



I am so happy we got the tile done before Avery started crawling. I couldn't imagine us doing this with her crawling everywhere. Now when things spill in the dining room I don't need to worry as much, I can just wipe it off!

The sweetest lady at work made Avery and I matching butterfly scarves and hats. I love the gray and pink!
I love my job. I get to meet the nicest people.

8 months old.

Miss Avery Ana at 8 months old-
Every month just flies by. I could start crying just thinking about how fast it is going. I am trying to soak in each moment of every day with you, because I know this time is going to go by so fast. I can't give you enough kisses in a day. I love you so much!

You are such a gift to me! Your smile and laugh bring so much so to my life.

  • You love to play and be silly. You laugh so hard when we hold you and chase Oliver around the house. Oliver isn't so much a fan,but you sure are! 
  • You're seventh and eighth teeth just popped through.
  • You eat solids twice a day. It seems like if I add a dash of cinnamon to anything you'll like it.:) Right now one of your favorites is homemade applesauce. We are working on signing the word,more. The way you sign more is by  hitting your hand on the table. This is pretty funny to watch.
  • You wear size three diapers and are in size 9-12 month clothing.
  • You still LOVE bath time.  
  • Usually you wake up only once a night around 2 am. In the bath at seven and go to bed around eight. 
I am starting to plan your ONE year birthday now! Cannot believe it will be here just around the corner. You Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Avery. Thank you so much for being our lil girl.
Love you lil miss.
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